I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday

I truly love all the DMs I get from people who are supportive of the hottake but I hate when I hear "I'm too afraid to interact with your post on social media because my company won't like it". Like reading my daily post is some sort of guilty pleasure. What kind of a world are we living in when there are some bosses that get to do anything they want. They control your career progression,...

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Episode #12: You Pay Them What?

On today's episode we tried something a little different. With all my recent posts on executive compensation and the failures of leadership, I read a chapter from "What the F@&K..." called "You Pay Them What?" to tee up a discussion on leadership, compensation, communication and the two-way street in advance of year end conversations about YOUR compensation and bonus. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Blubrry or your favorite podcast platform. Thoughts on the episode? Please let me know by...

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Technical Tuesday with Oasis

When you are on a roll, I say just go with it, even if it guarantees not getting on management's Christmas card list. So today, we are staying with Oasis Petroleum for Technical Tuesday. Not that I want to trigger an analogy but if I did, I would tell you that I think of Oasis as "the Ultra Petroleum of oil". It's an old story: Darling company finds itself in a wonderful play, gets...

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An Oasis or a Mirage

On the podcast, I talked about Oasis being the first company to come forward and publicly announce “a change to executive compensation.” Now…we will have to wait until the proxy to actually read what those changes are, but at least they recognized that as a really easy place to cut costs. I see at least a couple wells I could drill with that… https://www1.salary.com/OASIS-PETROLEUM-INC-Executive-Salaries.html And, not to pick on the only company that is actually talking about exec comp but can...

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Monthly EIA 914 Report

With a title like that, you just know you want to read all about it. But it's Super Bowl Sunday and once a month, we get to enjoy the guilty pleasure of government data (somebody pass the popcorn!). On Friday, the EIA released it's "official" monthly production numbers and they show just how important it was to hit Q3 and Q4 production targets that had been set at the beginning of 2019. The number of companies I heard...

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Episode #11: #hottakeover your commute

A 12 minute roundup for your commute with topics that include: CNBC report on “oil and gas is dead” – young money managers…. Exxon & Chevron earnings CDEV Oasis The oil & gas company formerly known as Encana (Ovintiv?) Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Blubrry or your favorite podcast platform. Thoughts on the episode? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below! Related Mentions: Bernie SandersElizabeth WarrenCoronavirusQasem SoleimaniJim CramerExxonMobile ($XOM)Chevron ($CVX)Todd BrookerCawley, Gillespie & AssociatesTeslaElon MuskPrisoners DilemmaCentennial Resource Development ($CDEV)Oasis Petroleum (OAS)The E&P company...

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Down for a Cure

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is think about my kids and how little I care about their birthday. Why? Because I love them equally every single day (I bet you didn’t know that’s the punchline to that story). My kids are why I do everything and for whom I would do anything. On episode 3 of the #hottakeoftheday podcast, we featured the story of Erin and Nick Williams, their beautiful family and...

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