Growing production? Why not? I beat my children, too.

I have had a busy two weeks. 4 speeches. 1 book club and a whole bunch of F bombs (sorry-but-not-sorry about that). As I do, I read all the quarterly releases and to almost a company, they say “Great news!! Capital is down, and we are growing production next year.”  I’m exasperated. 15 months of posting and I feel like the only people that are learning are the people that work for these idiots.  Seriously. What.  The. F (see, no...

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Thirsty Thursday: Antero Resources, Part 2

When we left our story Tuesday, Ante had been been found dead and their children, Debt, Leaseob and FT looked highly suspicious. Today, in the conclusion, we start with the second most important sentence in the Antero 2020 plan: "All-in per unit cash expense, which includes lease operating, GP&T, production and ad valorem taxes, net marketing and general and administrative expense (excluding equity-based compensation) was $2.34 per Mcfe in the fourth quarter." What's even more striking is that before an mcf even makes...

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Episode #16: Lindsey Buck & Eric Marshall

Lindsey Buck, DRW, & Eric Marshall Today, in the first “Voices of oil and gas” podcast, I am joined by Lindsey Buck and Eric Marshall, both of GEODynamics and we start by having Lindsey tell HER side of the story we told on the first podcast about the person who came into the creepy basement on a sales call.  We talk women in energy, the impact of oil and gas in the community, non profits and what their view of...

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David vs. Goliath

And now, for something a little bit different.... Dear #hottakenation, After yet another "Merger Monday" with no activity, the time has come for action. As CDEV is my largest single position in a public company, it seems like this is the hill. Want to join me? In this case, CDEV's valuation relative to peers, their continuation to outspend operating cash flow, and their continued reluctance to merge (as evidenced by the fact that they are...

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Technical Tuesday: Antero Resources (Part 1)

349 pages in a 10K is a lot to get through. But THESE 349 pages were a real page turner. Set primarily in West Virginia, our story begins on a dark and stormy night. Ante Ro, the first gender non specific hero to be featured in a DRW murder mystery, was depressed and lonely. Despite their wit, charm and incredible penetration rates (while drilling), they are unmarriable because of their spoiled children, named Debt, Leaseob...

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Second order consequences

I read a lot. Sometimes for pleasure, but more often for education and for good or for bad, the "news sites" are my go-to first stop. So as I thought of a topic for today's post, what was on my mind instead was the subject of who picks the topics at the big "news sites" because I feel confident it isn't organic. As I view the world, I know two things for certain: that life is about trade...

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A perfect day in California, brought to you by oil and gas

I’m in California right now for a hockey tournament. I went to Starbucks and still saw plastic straws and cups. I bought some new sandals and they came in a lovely plastic bag. I got stuck in traffic driving up the coast on a 12 lane highway with thousands of cars driving to the beach. I saw some wonderful barbecue set ups on the roofs of houses over looking the ocean. And I was warmed by...

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Episode #15: #hottakeover your commute

DRW makes a LARGE carbon footprint this week starting in Scottsdale, Denver, Oklahoma City and San Diego… but fortunately, Delta is going to plant some trees…. This week on the's an earnings-palooza and by request (and an absolutely exasperating Q4 announcement) we have our subject for #TechnicalTuesday where we will talk Antero. I read the 358 page 10K and we have A LOT to cover as the poster child to all that is wrong with the...

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Stop being so politically correct. It’s not endearing. It’s endangering.

I saw two videos online this week (that I should write about) that compare and contrast the errors the oil and gas industry is making in our campaign to (re)gain social acceptance.  On the one hand, there is the path of least resistance, circa BP, and on the other, the path I advocate for, the path of Quick Dick McDick. The BP path: “yes, fossil fuels (both production but primarily consumption) lead to CO2 emissions, but it’s our fault and we...

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A love letter… to everyone!

Dear E&P Companies, Happy Valentine's Day! Remember in 1st Grade when all the kids had to give every other kid a Valentine’s card but there was still that one kid that no one gave a card to? In E&P, that kid is me! But when has that stopped me before?? Here's a little known fact about the origins of Valentine’s Day. It dates back to the Roman festival of Lupercalia which celebrated the coming of spring...

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