I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday

I truly love all the DMs I get from people who are supportive of the hottake but I hate when I hear “I’m too afraid to interact with your post on social media because my company won’t like it”. Like reading my daily post is some sort of guilty pleasure. What kind of a world are we living in when there are some bosses that get to do anything they want. They control your career progression, your hours, your clothing, your social media interactions and yet you can’t call them on their behavior.

Stock down 80%? Not my fault. It’s the market. Ummm… can’t you hedge? Shut down rigs? Merge? Reduce your salary? Fire some of your leadership team for a change? Let’s try to actually live “Pay for performance”, shall we?

But what frustrates me the most are the messages I get from technical folks who have told their management: “Hey, we are drilling too close, frac’ing too large, or just generally doing really dumb things” and they are ignored and when the company keeps having bad results, they layoff the people that told them not to do it in the first place.

On the podcast we released today, we tried something a little different. With all my recent posts on executive compensation and the failures of leadership, I read a chapter from “What the F@&K…” called “You pay them what?” to tee up a discussion on compensation, communication and the two-way street in advance of year end conversations about YOUR compensation and bonus.

One day, I hope none of the DMs I get are about power trips and the one-way relationships some companies have with their employees. But until then, I take requests for Technical Tuesday if you have any ideas…

Integrity. Pass it on.


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