“We have decided to go a different direction. Best of luck.”- Feb 1, 2012

That was the day that ended the world as I knew it: All the things I had wanted, and thought I could achieve, ended in boxes that contained the remnants of my career.

That was also the day I started writing the book: “What the F@&K is Wrong with Everybody Else?-What They Didn’t Teach You in Business School” (shortly after reintroducing myself to my children, discovering I was 10 days away from a separation and explaining why Daddy didn’t have income or health care anymore).

That was ALSO the day I stopped living for what other people thought of me (except for the people I love and really really like). I reclaimed ME. Just DRW. Oil&Gas enthusiast. Coach. Alien. And recently, the writer of the #hottakeoftheday.

Yesterday, I got to add “Author” to that list.

The book covers my journey from Feb ‘12-Oct ‘13 in all it’s mess and joy and ridiculousness. Without which, I wouldn’t be here. For which I am so grateful.

So- thank you for following my journey here. I invite you to continue the journey in print.  Order my book. Laugh (both at and with me). And discover what happened after February 1 and the answer to the title question: What the F@&K is Wrong with Everybody Else?


Click here to order your copy from Amazon today.


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