The Beatings: Completion Engineers, Volume 2

Dear Completion Engineers (Volume 2)

Yesterday’s post had a surprising number views. Surprising only because after 45,000 of them, no one has provided data to support what completions engineers are doing. Therefore, allow me to present… volume 2!

Flow back equipment. You knew you were drilling this well (right?). It needs product take-away, which is great, as you’ve already built a $900k facility 30’ from your wellhead. Why (expletive) are you running through flow back equipment?? To the tune of $10,000 a day!!!Seriously. Both the markets and I are speechless (which, clearly, never happens).

Second. IP rates matter?!? Who cares. I’ve done a touch of BD in my career. I won’t make an EUR claim until 6 months or 50 wells. So who gives a flying duck about your 4,629 BO/d 24 hour (adjusted) IP. No one. How did it do on day 178? Finally.

Trucks for water. Really? $1/bbl to dispose plus 8 hours of trucking (yes – $4/bbl) to get rid of water that – were you more patient – would be gone in 45 days. Light the money on fire. Wasteful. Shameful. That’s the worst offense of all.

Fear not – the beatings are coming for the other disciplines later in the week…


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