Societal rules shell game

The hypocrisy is starting to really get to me. So, like a year ago, every company said “plastics are bad!!! We are moving to paper and cotton and reusables”. Which is why I suffered from miserable paper straws for months! Seriously… those are the worst. Turns out… then reusables were bad because even though restaurants are required by law to sanitize plates and glasses after use, restaurants must serve in plastic glasses. Ummm…. what?

How about “to-go” booze? It was a horrible idea before to have open containers on the street. Horrible… until it wasn’t. Now, you can get to go booze everywhere. I can get hammered on any street in America (not just the river walk and the strip!)

How about masks? They work… but schools assume if you are on a plane you are Covid positive and must quarantine for 14 days (schools are doing this). But you also have to stand 6’ apart. And both wear masks. But not to eat. Unless you are sitting, and not eating. Then you need one again….

Seriously. Can we start over again? Less plastics. More hand washing. More common sense.

Thank you.



Societal rules shell game - #hottakeoftheday


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