Merger Monday fail!

I was so convinced there would be a merger announcement today, I didn’t write a post while the ‘creative juices’ were flowing last night.  Alas! No ‘Merger Monday’ event to write about so instead, I’ll have to freestyle a heartwarming and out of character post.

At some point in your career- probably too late- you realize that you spend more time at work than you do anywhere else.  Which is why- income aside- work is so impactful to your mood and outlook.

When Anadarko bought Kerr McGee in 2006 and everything at the company changed- I realized the love of my job was never about the company I worked for but about the joy of the people I worked with (If you worked with me in 2005, you’ll see how much I’ve learned)

Today (because there wasn’t a merger to talk about!), I reflect on my career and I remember the people. Too many to mention without leaving some out.  They are the friends I spent my days with and countless hours solving problems, celebrating wins and asking “Have you ever seen that before?!” (and pretending we had).

You know who you are.  I appreciate you very much.  And if you don’t know who you are, I appreciate you too (just a little bit less). Here’s to the next 20 years.  And next Monday- would someone please buy someone already?!?



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