Masking obesity

After finishing hockey practice, my son and wife stopped at McDonald’s on the way home. Not the healthiest choice, but when you work out 14 times a week, a little cheat day won’t kill you.

In a snapshot of problems covered up by the stock markets ascent, a woman was prostituting herself in the parking lot and there were 3 homeless people asleep beside the drive-through. The problems have always been there, we just chose to ignore them. They are becoming bigger by the day.

Covid had us abandon the economy to save some lives, but left many to fall through the cracks. Why didn’t we put the same focus on obesity, one of the leading CO-morbidities?

39% of Americans are obese but fast food remained open as “an essential service”. As one of the cheapest options for food, it disproportionately impacts poorer populations, who already have access issues with health care and education.

As a kid, we started putting calories on the menu. The nation has just got fatter. Where is the attention to sports and gym class in school? Where is a stimulus package encouraging weight loss? Instead of always facing the obvious symptom, addressing causes would be far more effective. You can put a mask on, but it is only covering up a very unhealthy fact: Obesity is killing America.


Masking obesity - #hottakeoftheday


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