Make hay while the sun is shining

A trip down memory lane this weekend is reminding me how fast things change. When I left Calgary with Anadarko in 2006 – oil sands, natural gas and resource plays were just emerging as the way of the future. Calgary was booming, US companies were buying up everything they could get their hands on and one could freely job hop for a 15% raise anytime one pleased.

Now, vacancy rates downtown are at all time highs, Shell has mostly left, COP and DVN are for sale, Encana, Crescent Point and Enerplus are US focused and it’s hard to be optimistic with no pipelines and royalty burdens and well economics that make it uncompetitive with the Permian. And yet- things change fast.

It’s a good reminder to make hay while the sun is shining and make sure you are saving for a rainy day because you never know what’s around the next corner.


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