Learning from bosses – part 3

The week so far has had some unexpected turns: My keynote speech in Dallas was personal  (but fear not… I still brought my message of gloom); companies are focusing on FCF AND slowing down AND return OF capital; and I’m posting stories about my favorite bosses. If you had told me about this week 4 months ago- I would have said you were lying.

So to close the series ‘My best bosses’, There are too many stories but I really only need one quote: “Trust your path. Don’t force the answer. Play the long game.”  Now, we were playing Risk at the time and it was likely a taunting comment but I was coming for Kamchatka- and everyone knows that’s how you win! I kept rolling 1s, losing my massive army and I was screaming at the board in frustration.  I guess some of the most impactful moments didn’t really start that way.

The fact is that the people you come across in your career shape you. For good. For change. And for different. Everyone is important. LinkedIn isn’t about being apart of this big network you can sell to- it’s about connecting with people trying to pay their mortgage, make their kids lives better and change the world in their own way.

Hope is not a plan. Change is inevitable. Never ever ever give up.  And when I die, I’m wearing my tiger boots.



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