Intellectual Consistency

Intellectual Consistency

I support intellectual consistency. Everyday. So here are some ideas to consider:

  1. If we allow forced vaccinations by employers, we should also allow forced sterilization. We shouldn’t have young productive workers distract themselves from work by pesky children (plus humans contribute to CO2 emissions).
  2. If businesses can only serve “those vaccinated”, they should also be able to serve “only non whites.”
  3. If I am biologically a man but can identify as a woman, I should be able to identify as a vaccinated person.
  4. If we can require proof of vaccination to participate in society, we should have a gym membership punch card proving that you work out for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
  5. Since so many states support marijuana and don’t include only edibles, we should once again support tobacco and smoking. Great tax revenue.
  6. 38,000 traffic deaths occur every year because you never know when the other person will run a red light, speed, text or drink and drive. If we allow roads to exist with cars, people should be able to go out in society with our without vaccinations and accept the personal responsibility for the risk.

But consistency isn’t what we do, is it? Carry on.



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