#hqotw: You seem cranky

This week’s question is less of a question than a statement: “DRW. You seem crankier than usual”. -#hotquestionoftheweek.

This is true. Beyond my exasperation at the equity performance of energy companies and the obvious things they can do to fix it… there is something much deeper at play. Carbs. Or rather, the lack there of. It turns out “hangry” is a thing.

When I woke up 5 weeks ago unable to button my shirts – it was more than a funny hottake- it was a call to action. I’m young(ish), mobile(ish) and there is no reason I shouldn’t be healthier and more energetic – not to mention save some of my zippers from hanging on for dear life during the day!

But not all is lost (yet)- I’m down 23 lbs with 15 lbs to go before my birthday (as you know – no one cares that it’s birthday). Instead – let’s make a pact. If you have a couple lbs you’d like to lose, join me between now and Sept (single digit- LinkedIn will tell you anyway) and let’s get healthy. Reshare this post with your commitment to lose weight and I’ll enter you in a raffle. As my birthday present to myself, I will donate $500 to the winner’s 501(c) of their choice.

As Macklemore tells us, the alternative sounds like an excuse.


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