Houston. We have a problem

I know a lot of small business owners. We golf together, laugh together, and hope for the future together.

A recent topic of discussion and odd side effect of the “unemployment benefits kicker” was that many in the service industry have employees that are making more money on unemployment insurance than they do working. For better or for worse, as a result, some have rejected pay checks because the unemployment benefits leave them better off.

And yesterday; the Federal Reserve chairman said ‘no matter the cost, we will backstop the losses.’  Not word for word, but basically the gist.

Houston. We Have a problem

On the bright side, if the lockdown is going to leave some of the 130 million Americans without $400 for an emergency better off and the Fed is going to write checks now and figure out the consequences later, it means the political leaders that emerge from the 2020 elections will be more important than ever, as they will be the ones tasked to solve the mess that’s been created. And choice makes me more optimistic for the future than I was yesterday..


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