#hottakeoftheday, roasted!

Dear Mr ‘hot’ take,

You are kind of a d*ck. What’s the deal? Discipline callouts, arm chair quarterbacking and not calling your mother as often as you should?! Seriously.

Here’s a #hotquestionoftheweek- how can you be as open minded as you claim when you can’t possibly listen to anyone with that megaphone of a mouth?

The alien in your profile pic is pretty funny. But what’s really funny is pretending to be some outsider and bash the C-suite when you are yourself in the C-Suite!! It’s pretty easy to pick on public companies when you work for a private, isn’t it?

And today, you roast yourself to bury the lead and then state that you think we have hit peak in US oil production in Aug 2019 (I do- based on recent rig/DUC data, production and inventory numbers and vintage decline analysis). Wow.

I mean I get making outlandish calls…but that seems big – even for you! Why not just see what happens and then tell people you saw it first (like all the geologists that say they found the Bakken)? Ok… your choice! In the meantime, the rest of us will eagerly wait a year for the opportunity to return here and say, “I told YOU so”.

PS. I heard you are about to be a year older. That’s why your golf game is falling apart.

PPS. Nobody cares it’s your birthday.


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