#hottakeoftheday podcast #118 w/Ron Gusek

This week on the pod we invite on Ron Gusek, the President of Liberty Oilfield Services. We talk the Schlumberger acquisition, the importance of oil and gas, have some fun with best practices and talk about the future of frac, data and the oilfield. I really like the direction of Liberty and very much enjoyed the conversation. I hope you do, too.





About Ron

#hottakeoftheday podcast Episode 118 w/Ron GusekRon Gusek has been the President of Liberty Oilfield Services since November 2016. Before assuming the role of President, Mr Gusek was the VP of Technology and Development from 2014. Over the past 20 years, Ron has garnered extensive oil and gas experience in North America, and extended his knowledge of operations through travels to Asia, Russia and the Middle East

Within Liberty, Ron’s focus includes new technology and innovation, service quality, efficiency and optimization.

Ron holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta.

Ron has also held previous roles at Sanjel Corporation, Zodiac Exploration, Pinnacle Technologies and BJ Services, with a primary focus on hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs.

Ron is a published SPE author and presenter. His dedication to the petroleum engineering community and interest in shared industry knowledge is evident in his numerous volunteer capacities, which include the Denver Petroleum Club, COGA and the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation Executive Committee and Energy Coalition.

Outside of work, Ron is a husband, father, runner, cyclist, hiker, skier and occasional adventure racer.


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