Episode 17: #hottakeover your commute

We talk fashion (because really, who better to talk fashion than a guy with gold tipped slippers), production growth (and why companies keep announcing they are growing), motivations behind movements and why if you are anti-frac, you are anti-American.

Episode 17: #hottakeover your commute
DRW Shoe collection (mom, you jealous?)

Highlights (can we call it that?) from quarterly earnings this week:

ECA: strong hedge book, growing oil 4%

XEC: 6-13% oil growth

PXD: 10% growth in oil from 220 mbo/d to 235-245 mbo/d

SM: oil growth of 5-10% on capex down 20%

Parsley: closed Jagged post end-of-year so looks flattish comp-wise (yay!… someone understands supply demand)

Concho: 10-12% oil growth on capex down 10%…. we talk about their SMOG from the 10-K.  9,583 MM; debt of 3,955 MM…. 202 mm shares outstanding…. I’ll let you do the math.

Diamondback: 187 mbo/d this year to 210 midpoint next year, 12% growth….

Next time someone tells you they are anti-frac, don’t engage in a policy debate that they can’t understand anyway (casing, cement, gauges, containment, depths of zone vs. drinking water, energy poverty, and an actual article describing the consequences -see Forbes, The Arithmetic of Fracking), just say- “I get it…. you are anti-frac because you are anti-America….

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