Education Crisis for a Generation

It’s sad that with all the other issues getting attention, our leaders aren’t talking about the ones that will last well beyond Covid. Today, I’m talking about K-12 education.

There is a world of resources available at the touch of a button, with an infinite number of tracks kids can take to achieve their fullest potential. Are schools using them? If so, which ones? If not, why not?

I am a huge supporter of public education but in March, when school went online, I discovered a sobering reality: my youngest wasn’t challenged and HIS school did a very poor job adjusting to the new reality. Some teachers weren’t available, he was done his entire coursework for a week in the first 90 minutes on Monday and without the learning and interaction in the school yard with other kids from a hugely diverse background, he got very little out of it. How, in a world of technology, could this be the baseline for this year?

Are our kids financially literate? Do they understand history? Can they differentiate social media from news and study both sides? Are trades viewed as an option? Should they learn music or a different language as core curriculum? Are they really prepared for the world or are they unexposed, under-read and very average?

Where is the discussion about that?


Education Crisis for a Generation - #hottakeoftheday


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