Dear Senator Warren (part 1)

Today was the day I was going to provide the data to support why August 2019 was the month that the US hit peak oil production. And then I saw your tweet. I have 1300 characters to your 280 but energy policy can’t be debated like this.

I love this planet. I love my kids and their future. I want to die in my bed with birds singing, clear skies and having paid my IRS bill every year to meet the ever changing tax code. I also help make fossil fuels.

Here are some facts. Of the 6.0 mmbo/d produced from HZ wells in this country, 37% is from wells that came on in 2018- 100% of those need to be frac’ed to produce ANYTHING. Shutting down activity for 5 months would lead to a 36% decline. That’s 2 mmbo/d. Out of 12.4 (NG is similar but subsidized by energy companies drilling at $2.25/Mcf- and I’m too frustrated by that to talk about it).

The lost oil would come from OPEC+ and would be $90/bbl. NG would be $10/mcf. Do you think OPEC is reducing emissions, leaks and flaring? No. Low income people couldn’t afford their cars, heat or cool their homes; no hipster would have plastic rim glasses; there would be no lube for wind turbines and coal would once again power far more than 39% of the grid.

Stop tweeting. And start learning.


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