The Beatings: Reservoir engineers

Dear Reservoir Engineers (you knew it was coming) You are the steward of asset value and since it’s just you and me talking, can we be honest? The gig is up. Spacing tests are coming out and it looks bad. In the Bakken; Stack; Eagleford; Midland; Delaware. Everywhere is showing significant EUR degradation because YOU recommended drilling wells too close together. Increased density has massively hurt EURs per well and we both know “b” factors ARE lower and terminal declines ARE higher at tighter spacing and...

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The Beatings: Completion Engineers, Volume 2

Dear Completion Engineers (Volume 2) Yesterday’s post had a surprising number views. Surprising only because after 45,000 of them, no one has provided data to support what completions engineers are doing. Therefore, allow me to present... volume 2! Flow back equipment. You knew you were drilling this well (right?). It needs product take-away, which is great, as you’ve already built a $900k facility 30’ from your wellhead. Why (expletive) are you running through flow back equipment?? To the tune of $10,000 a day!!!Seriously. Both the markets and...

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The Beatings: Completion Engineers, Volume 1

Dear Completion Engineers (if you are the boss of one, please stop reading- they are scared of you, but they need to hear this, Volume 1) I like to blame the c-suite for the decisions companies make- but it is the job of technical people to evaluate data and give analysis. Unfortunately, the current paradigm is that fear of unemployment exceeds fear of destroying capital. It’s time to end the cycle of the status quo. Let’s start with coil tubing. Seriously. It’s 2019. That is a...

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