Another reader question

In a return to the #hotquestionoftheweek, we will put off “The Beatings” series until Monday.

“It kills me to acknowledge that you’re right in your pessimism. Instead of griping about how badly the industry is screwing up, can you offer some of us a solution? I’m in my 30s with all my experience in O&G- if I have no future in this industry, how do I get out? PS. You really don’t know where apostrophes go, do you?”

2nd question first. No. I have no idea’s. 1st question. Longer answer.

In 2015, after being fired for the 3rd time for sharing my hottake on my boss’s opinion’s, there weren’t a lot of option’s. I’d been working for 15 years and I needed income. I applied to be an associate prof at DU (no response), a mgmt consultant (thank you for your application) and BD (you don’t have the experience). So I consulted to whoever I could. Had Uber been what it is now, I would have managed the 10 pm – 4 am crowd.

Consulting led me to reconnect with someone from 2012 with a vision; and that vision led us to beg a friend from a startup I did in 2013 to join us. We co-founded OneEnergy.

Your career isn’t a ladder- It’s a river. And some parts are fast and some parts are bumpy. But if you stay in long enough and make the most of every bend, things will work out.


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