An inconvenient truth

Ever notice that many of the people that don’t trust billionaires and corporations trust the media companies owned by billionaires and corporations?

Of all the things I hate, hypocrisy is top of the list.  Saying “I care about X” and actually doing Y that quietly undermines it, just drives me crazy.  For example, Chris Cuomo of CNN preaching the importance of quarantine orders and staging a dramatic “re-emergence” from quarantine in which he re-introduced himself to his family on film, while having tweeted about a confrontation with a biker.  It’s disingenuous at best, and something else at worse.

Nothing is free, nothing is unorganized, and everything in life is about profit, especially when it takes a lot of money to promote a point of view.   Don’t trust everything you read, don’t trust everything you see, but collect data and make your own opinion.  That’s the best we can do.  This weekend, with an open mind and a glass of your favorite beverage, it’s worth watching “A Planet of Humans.”

There are three sides to every story: Mine, yours and the truth.




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  1. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – Animal Farm

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