Tenacity 2020

You may be curious to learn, how did golf tryouts go? Well, for the second time this year, one of my children had to do “the walk of shame” out past their teammates having been told “You didn’t have it this year.” And, for the second time this year, my child (this time the golfer, last time the hockey player) said “Can we go practice right now?” Right now? Yes. Right now.

That’s capitalism. You earn opportunities through work effort built on a base set of skills. And some of the shots you take don’t work. As I documented in “What the F@&k is Wrong with Everybody Else?” my first start up in 2012 was an epic failure that resulted in losing money for me, my family and friends. I didn’t quit or lament or give up. I took the learnings, CO-founded another business. And then another, and finally OneEnergy.

Tenacity plays a huge role. Michael Jordan was cut from his JV basketball team. I flew all the way to Egypt to find out I was going to be 5th on a team of 4 in the World Junior Squash Championships. Failure is part of life and more importantly, it’s the most important part of success.

So 81-84-82 didn’t make it this year, but it was 53 strokes better than last year and 33 strokes from playing in college.

Quit or learn. Those are the only two options.




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