#hottakeoftheday podcast Episode 78 w/Suzanne Ogle, SGA

Unquestionably, I hear a lot of “the industry has to do better educating people about what we do”. Step 1 of that process is to educate yourself on the data and the issues. Lots of resources to do it but one of the ones I had never heard of before but am really glad I did is the Southern Gas Association who helps educate by linking people and ideas. I had the pleasure of chatting with Suzanne Ogle about the...

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#hottakeoftheday Episode 76 w/Gregory Wrightstone

In the week I got banned from LinkedIn permanently (#drwisLIdead), another author was temporarily restricted. Gregory Wrightstone writes about climate change and moreover, as is the title of his book, the ‘Inconvenient Facts’ that people don’t want you to know. We will have a series coming up with Doug Sandridge on some additional inconvenient facts (like to replace the Indian Point Nuclear facility when it is shut down in NY will require 500,000 acres of land to be used for...

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