#TechnicalTuesday: Tesla

To consider "a company" - "their stock" would be incorrect.  I hope this is obvious, but I wanted to say it out loud to kick off today's post because, to tell the tale of Tesla, one must differentiate between Tesla: the company and Tesla: the stock. I don't know where you were the first time you met someone who you would describe as a member of the "Tesla" cult, but I remember my first time like it was yesterday.  My...

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#hottakeoftheday podcast Episode 96 w/Ryan Sitton

This episode, I’m joined by Ryan Sitton, former commissioner at the RRC, to talk about OPEC, flaring, data, his new book Crucial Decisions and what the future holds. I really enjoyed the conversation and getting to know Ryan much better. I think big things are in store for him in the future and I for one am excited to watch his path. #hottakeoftheday podcast Episode 96 w/Ryan Sitton https://youtu.be/LmycUtHWY3o   Podcast Audio   About our Sponsor: Magnum Cementing Services Magnum Cementing Services is an established well...

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The difference between narrative and nuance

One of my most vivid memories was the morning of September 11, 2001. The world was fixated on TV, because most of us weren’t in New York, and we knew that the event would have ramifications that would impact the economy, geopolitics and shape the future of security. Remember flying before that day? It’s kind of laughable to think of airport security prior to the 9/11. As events unfolded, we relied on the media to provide images and commentary. It...

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Intellectual Consistency

The events after the stock market closed Friday were significant.  I point out the timing because Twitter, Google, CNN, Fox, Parler and... well, virtually every business except Tesla are a for-profit business (I kid, I kid... more on that in #technicaltuesday this week) In case you missed it, Twitter permanently suspended the President’s personal account and then deleted tweets from the @POTUS account (here’s a fun look back on the influence of Twitter by Trump, in what arguably was the tool...

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The power of the President… of Twitter

And who said you can’t have fun on a Friday night in the age of coronavirus? Breaking News: @realdonaldtrumo has been permanently deactivated. I listened to a podcast today with Kara Swisher (Sway) put out in conjunction with the New York Times (with thanks to the reader that sent it to me- I always enjoy our back and forth even though we aren’t always aligned) where she hosted the CEO of Parler, John Matze. Her and I are of a...

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Parabolic.  That’s the best word to describe what we are seeing in Tesla and bitcoin as specific examples but across most asset classes.  It’s not only up and to the right... it’s WAY up and to the right. And for everyone that lived through the tech bubble of 2000, you remember what it was like when stocks only went up. The difference from 2000 to today? The Fed kept raising interest rates to “dampen euphoria” and reduce liquidity.  I was young, and every...

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That’s not who we are

“That’s not who we are.” You hear that phrase being muttered more and more these days in response to the riots and lawlessness we see on TV. Unfortunately, that is exactly who we are and it’s time we look in the mirror and acknowledge our role in it. Perhaps at long last it is time to be the change we want to see in the world, and that starts by talking candidly. In this age of censorship and social media controlling...

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Ponies and dance partners

Saudi Arabia faced the choice of any head of family when the kids and cousins are running wild at the backyard bbq: You can get them in line by yelling and risk further non-compliance and climbing into the neighbors yard, or you could acquiesce and buy them all ponies.  This week, Saudi went pony shopping and cut 1 Mmbo/d.  The question everyone is asking is why. My view is this. OPEC is fragile and without Russia, it collapses and with...

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#technicaltuesday! BCEI and HPR

In #technicaltuesday, we are going to do a warmup for the YE20 reports that are coming in February and there will be A LOT to talk about so today we tackle a nuanced and complicated deal that was announced in November but will see all the fireworks this month.  Of course, I’m talking about the DJ roll up of Bonanza Creek and Highpoint Energy. What’s happening: Bonanza made an offer to purchase HighPoint.... but with a twist. Option 1: The HPR bondholders...

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2021 underway!

Happy 2021! And while we can’t start out the year with a “merger” per se on #mergermonday, there was a deal announced worth mentioning and one Q4/Full year update from the company we affectionately know as TAFKAE. Samson Samson Resources sold (finally) their PRB assets (check out the podcast we did with their President Joe Mills) for $215 mm in cash for 8,500 boe/d and 132,000 acres. On a metrics basis, it’s not good at $25,000/boed with nothing for acreage. BUT-...

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