A New Candidate Enters the Race

I have to hand it to Michael Bloomberg for what appears to be an incredible election strategy. Let’s review. Step 1. Let other Democratic nominees beat each other up; winnow the field and figure out who the real competition is without getting dirty in the process. Step 2. Expect that Senators Warren and Sanders do really well and scare the hell out of all moderates and bring most republicans to fits of rage. Step 3. Expect that Former VP Biden has a moment in a...

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Where have all the bullies gone?

Life is full of bullies. Shouldn’t school prepare you to deal with them? That’s why I’m glad my son gets pushed around a little bit. He‘s learned the kids to avoid; knows what not to say and when to stand up for yourself; and when to step in and help a friend. It builds character and teaches him to judge scenarios. Unconventional, perhaps. But life is hard and school should be getting kids ready for it.

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The golden rule of corporate governance

It’s Friday!! And you know what that means! E&P Stocks can’t fall on Saturday or Sunday! So that’s exciting! Yep. That’s what we’ve come to: for shareholders, weekends are the best wealth preservation time of the week! But I digress. To close the series on governance - I want to revisit the Golden rule. Not the one that says “she who has the gold makes the rules”. The other one. The one that says “treat others as you want to be treated”. When we were...

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Executive Compensation Concepts

Let’s talk about executive compensation- the touchy subject sure to offend people for the first time since I started my hottakes.... Oh. I’ve offended you previously? Good. It’s like falling while skiing: if you’re not offended, you aren’t growing as a person. You’re welcome. To me...and maybe I’m the only one- it is the sum of the parts- from the Pumper to the Manager and above- that in concert, run all the parts of a company. So why are the ‘Cs’ often paid 40x more...

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Investor, seeking activism, likes walks on the beach

I woke up this morning focused on my new career as ‘investor’.  If I’m honest, I feel like an activist looking for a place to happen but it’s only day one so I’m going to chill for a little bit.  I’m hoping I make it to Wednesday before I start firing off letters. But with the lack of merger Monday- let’s talk about governance.  It’s a topic close to my heart. First- shouldn’t the board own like 25% of the company it represents?  Or- at least have...

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Daylight savings time

Daylight savings time ends today- and that feeling when you you wake up at 2 am and discover you have another 5 hours to sleep- happens today with 100% certainty today.  The US established daylight savings time (in addition to standard time zones) in 1918 after the First World War through the Calder act and one of the stated goals was to conserve energy.  Most scientists/ economists today are divided as to whether it really conserves energy. What we know for sure is that people who own daycares...

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Gotta get the go to

The whipsaw action in energy equities makes for quite the rollercoaster.  It’s not enough for the sector to be hated and void the long only, generalist investors but it has become a haven for long/short strategies and traders.  What’s the average investor to do? As you know, RBCRichardsonBarr.com is my go to website for E&P news, commodity prices and stock performance.  So I’ll ask my favorite website hosts for a favor: please add a quote for the most current debt maturity instrument for each stock. Sure- an equity may LOOK...

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