It would be a crime if they didn’t!

OPEC+ agrees to production cuts for another 9 months and… oil prices stay below $60. Companies are cutting capex, managing within cashflow and reducing G&A and…. honey badger don’t care. BUT - Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga are for sure together. They have to be!! Did you see the way they looked at each other? It would be a disservice to humanity if two people with that chemistry didn’t try to make a go...

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Catchphrases aren’t tricky

Using catchphrases and buzzwords instead of profitability to try and attract interest in your stock when no one cares is an age old trick. I’ve always enjoyed “core of the core”; “load leveling”; “shrink to grow”; “grow into growth” and my personal favorite “Bakken Lite”. Of late, we had pivoted to the importance of “in basin frac sand supply” (which some are now saying is inferior sand and hurting recoveries) and there’s a new kid on the...

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